Raspberry ketone blast, for weight loss

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Written By DannyPalmer

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Exercising and following a healthy diet is the most recommended way of losing weight but for the results to become visible it takes long time. If a person who is on a weight loss program wants to give an extra push to their diet regime can add weight loss supplements. These supplements boost the process of weight loss. One of those supplements is Raspberry ketone Blast, they have attained popularity only in past few years after they were published in few publications and also showcased on Dr. Oz television show.

Enhance the weight loss program

These supplements cater to the needs of those who want to lose weight by suppressing hunger and giving more energy ultimately leading to speeding up the weight loss by burning more fat in the body. Because of their ability to burn fat quickly they are also known as Miracle fat burner in a bottle. These supplements are a combination of natural ingredients like Mango and berry which are also known to contain high amounts of antioxidants.

Antioxidants are known to detoxify the body and enhance burning of fat.

The usage of these supplements aren’t FDA approved and also there have very few clinical trials conducted to prove their effect on burning of fat.

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A particular study conducted in the year 2005 on the mice showed that raspberry ketones helped in preventing of visceral fat in the body and also in the helpful site deposition of fat in liver. They also helped in breaking down the fat molecules in the body.

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Another study conducted in the year 2010 proved that ketones stimulate the production of proteins in the body that enhance the metabolism rate of glucose and lipids. Although there have been few studies and their results in the favor of usage of ketones but lack of a sound study makes the question mark still linger on their effectiveness.

Apart from the effectiveness there are also doubts regarding the safety aspect of these supplements.

Raspberry Ketones Blast are made from the chemicals that are found in the red raspberries, blackberries and cranberries. This is also found in many other forms like colorants and flavoring agents in cosmetics and deserts.

They are also known to reduce hair fall when applied to the scalp.

There isn’t a certain limit as to how much of these supplements can be taken due to the lack of enough studies but they usually lie in the range of 50 to 250 milligrams. It is suggested to take one or two capsules a day for effective results.

Possible side effects

Before opting for these weight loss supplements consultation from a physician must be sought. If a person is already under medication then these supplements may not go along with those medicines and cause many harmful side effects.

Raspberry ketone supplements contain chemical component related to synephrine, which acts like caffeine. Therefore, people who are sensitive to caffeine must avoid taking these supplements. It is also advised that pregnant women and lactating mothers should refrain themselves from these supplements.

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